产地:中国醴陵 赏析:作品采用釉下五彩“勾线分水”技法中“薄施淡染”的传统画法,薄薄的彩色一层层渲染,如色彩重了就显不出飘逸灵动感、如色彩浅了就显不出立体层次感,因此这件作品特别考验作者对工艺色彩的技术把握,是极其精致的小品。 作品在器型上进行了创新,将传统葫芦瓶型进行直口改进、更符合现代美感,代表“福禄双喜”;而一对瓶的画制,又寓意着“好事成双、年年有余”。
Size: H19cm
Firing: Reduction flame 1380℃
Material: High-white porcelain
Place of origin: Liling, China
Description: The work uses the traditional “thinly applied and lightly dyed” outlining and water painting technique of underglaze coloring to render the colors. If the color is heavy, it will not show the sense of floating and moving, and if the color is light, it will not show the sense of three-dimensional layers. So this work especially challenges the artist’s technical grasp of color craftsmanship, and is an extremely delicate small piece. The work is innovative in the shape of the vessel, improving the traditional gourd bottle shape with a straight mouth, which is more in line with modern aesthetics. The pairing of the vases signify “good things come in pairs and the year is prosperous”.