50 《静观其变》 – Wait and See

尺寸:53.8cm × 53.8cm
赏析:金鸡菊虽在残破的墙角盛开,但在蝴蝶的眼中,它依旧是 最美的绽放。制作过程中,先研磨堵水颜色线,将砖墙和花朵的 轮廓勾勒出来,而花叶和枝干则用油墨勾勒,这样在 1380°C烧制 出来会有虚实的对比。更远处的天空云层依旧用写意分水的方 式,蔚蓝做天空的基色,白色按照云层的大致走势写意流出,表 现轻松的流动感!在花朵的细节上会做的比较多、比较紧,与天 空的行云流水形成亦紧亦松的张弛对比。而红砖墙的加入,提升了整幅作品的色彩感受。冷暖结合,虚实交错。整幅作品比较注 重表现一种情景感,其实是一种我们日常最普通却常常被忽视的 一个瞬间!

Size: 53.5cm × 53.8cm

Firing: Reduction flame 1380

Material: High-white porcelain

Place of origin: Liling, China

Description: Although the golden chrysanthemum blooms in the crumbling corner of the wall, it is still the most beautiful bloom in the eyes of the butterfly. The production process is to grind the water-blocking color lines first to outline the brick wall and the flower, while the flower leaves and branches are outlined with printing ink, so that there will be a contrast between these two effects after fired at 1380.The clouds in the distant sky are painted in the same way of underglaze water coloring with the azure blue as the base color of the sky and the white flowing out as clouds, showing a sense of fluidity. The details of the flowers are rich and intense, forming a contrast of tension and relaxation with the flowing clouds in the sky. The red brick wall lightens the color scheme of the whole work. The combination of warm and cold, and the interplay of reality and fiction suggests a specific daily scenario, which is one of the most common but often neglected moments of our daily life.




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