49 《黑方块与月季花》 – Black Square and Roses

尺寸:35.5cm × 54cm

赏析:《黑方块》系列作品灵感来自至上主义,构图上大幅留白 处理,以回归的视角让观者从材质、色料、釉料、构图等多个方面,去对比出空间感与平衡性。 本作品以釉下五彩独有的陶瓷“勾线汾水”工艺为基底,选择光 学三原色中的蓝绿色,以小雏菊为衬景主题,采用对称的构图法, 用汾水和窑变釉的堆积来形成整体的视觉中心,并刻意在绘制中 留出水纹,来表现确定图形中的不确定性。

Size: 35.5cm × 54cm

Firing: Reduction flame 1380

Material: High-white porcelain

Place of origin: Liling, China

Description: The Black Square series is inspired by Suprematism, the composition of which is left white, allowing the viewer to contrast the sense of space and balance in terms of material, color, glaze, and composition. This work is based on the traditional outlining and water painting technique of underglaze coloring. It selects the green of the three primary colors of optics and uses white roses as the background theme. With a symmetrical composition, the accumulation of underglaze water coloring and kiln glaze form the overall visual center, and deliberately creates the water pattern to indicate the uncertainty in the definite figure.





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