尺寸:106.5cm × 18.5cm/块,2块/组
产地:中国醴陵 赏析:这套作品表达了作者希望将“鱼”既依托于陶瓷、又跳脱出陶瓷的意向。它采用超写实的手法,把“鱼”用层层勾线、层层叠彩、最后尾部处理时薄施淡染等手法、将鱼画活了;遥相呼应的淡蓝色、淡红色用点线面处理出空间感,使得“活鱼”游曳在解构出来的时空中,立体感凸显。这对活力四射的红头金鱼,寓意着“好事成双、鸿运当头”。
Size: 106.5cm × 18.5cm /block, 2 blocks/set
Firing: Reduction flame 1380℃
Material: High-white porcelain
Place of origin: Liling, China
Description: This set of works reflects the artist’s intention to make the “fish” both dependent on the ceramics and out of it. It adopts a hyper-realistic approach, using layers of lines and overlapping colors, and a thin application of light dyeing on the fish tails to bring the fish to life; the corresponding light blue and light red are painted with dots and lines to create a sense of space, in where the fish wanders, to highlight their three-dimensionality. This pair of vibrant red-headed goldfish symbolizes “good luck and good fortune”.