赏析:作者采用日常生活中常见的宠物猫作为绘画主题,是因为在中国传统文化中流传着“猫有五福”、“猫入福地”的说法,而家里迎猫进宅则誉为“五福临门”大吉大利。 此件作品完美解决了釉下五彩陶瓷动物题材绘制中难度最高的两点:一是眼睛的描绘炯炯有神,二是毛发的处理运用了釉下五彩中撕毛技法,使得黑灰层次分明、立体感超强、丝丝毛发蓬松而饱满,显示出这是一只元气满满、带福招财的吉祥猫。再在瓶口处进行了一圈黑褐色高温色釉处理,与主体画面互相辉映、具有协调的整体美感。
Size: H30cm
Firing: Reduction flame 1380℃
Material: High-white porcelain
Place of origin: Liling, China
Description: The artist chooses a pet cat in common daily life as the subject of the painting. In traditional Chinese culture, there is a saying that “cats have five blessings” and “cats enter the land of blessings” and welcoming a cat into the house is known as “welcoming good fortune”. This work perfectly solves two of the most difficult issues in underglaze ceramic animal painting: one is the depiction of the eyes. The artist paints the eyes sparkling and brilliant. The other is the underglaze painting of hair. The artist paints layers of the hair distinct, three-dimensional, fluffy and full, showing that this is an auspicious cat full of vitality and attracting fortune. A circle of black-brown high-temperature glaze is applied to the mouth of the bottle, which complements the main picture and creates a harmonious overall aesthetic.